Our Core Values


We will act with truth
and honesty.


We strongly believe that all accidents and injuries are preventable.


We strive to achieve exact excellence in all that we do.

Servant Leadership

We lead by example to empower each other.

At Allweather Roof, safety is a principle of behavior that is deeply rooted in our company’s culture. The employees at Allweather Roof know what is important to our customers, colleagues and families – completing the project on time, on budget with the highest quality standards in the industry and with zero accidents and injuries.

At Allweather Roof, we regularly go above OSHA requirements to provide a safe work environment for our crews. We use the latest safety tools such as the Raptor or TriRex where multiple crew can tie off at height adding an extra layer of security. Our goal is to get every crew member home at the end of every day without incident or injury.

Our outstanding safety record is reflected in our low experience modification rate (EMR).

“Tell me, and I will listen. Show me, and I will understand. Involve me, and I will learn.”

– Lakota Indian Saying

Pre-Construction Meeting

Communication is key! Every project starts out with a pre-construction meeting between the customer (and representatives) and the Allweather Roof Team (Estimator, Project Foreman, Operations Manager and Safety Director).

Safety Planning

After the pre-con meeting we create a site-specific safety and production plan which we will share with the parties involved.

Pre-Job Meeting

First day on-site the crew completes a pre-job meeting to ensure that the job is set up according to the site-specific plan.

Exceeding OSHA standards

During the project we not only meet federal and state OSHA regulations, we continuously exceed them by ensuring 100% physical fall protection for all employees working outside the perimeter warning lines and for employees exposed to interior roof openings.

Daily Safety Review

The crew holds daily morning huddles and weekly safety tool box talks to keep communication on a high level.

Site Inspections

The full-time Company Safety Director is regularly visiting all active projects to ensure everybody’s safety.